Happy Holidays everyone! Hope you enjoy my festive edits this month! If you have any family shots that you would like edited for a Christmas card let me know, I'd be more than happy to help :)
So here is the stuff I've worked on since September. Lots of these have quotes, words, stickers etc. I think words can add to a picture if the words fit the picture. The above pictures may be successes or fails, that's for you to decide :) Enjoy! (remember, clicking on a picture enlarges the view)
Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a very long time! I've been super busy with school and work and such that I haven't had much time to edit pictures but I've done some so they are coming soon! Let me know if you have any pictures to be edited because I can definitely find time if I need to :) So yeah anyways huge big long colorful blog post coming soon!
So here is update number 2 of my shading project. You can see I have more of the face shaded and some of the neck. The next step will be the hair. {*slight shudder* I've never been good at hair so we'll see how this goes}
So I know this isn't a photo edit but I thought I'd share a different kind of art I'm working on. This is a shading project I'm doing of myself. This picture is of my project after many many hours of work (good shading takes me a loooong time). I'll continue to post updates till I'm done. Let me know what you think.
This is the inspiration picture. (one of my previous edits actually, ha)