Sunday, June 23, 2013

Remembering Lens

So this week was rough. Not in the "I just back-packed across the Grand Canyon" kind of way, but more in a "what the heck just happened" kind of way. I've mentally exhausted (and a little physically exhausted as well). Finals and four extra shifts at work can drain a person. I found it really hard to be positive, until I read my last post and reminded myself that no matter how bad life seems sometimes, it gets better and there are still good things despite the bad.

For instance, my friend K let me take her to a local cemetery this week to see the grave of her dear friend. It gave me the chance to remember my grandpa and all the good memories I have of him. It also reminded me how short and fragile life is.

I was also reminded of how important friends are. My friends really helped carry me through the week when I got really down or worried. They lifted me and reminded me how to have a little fun.

I was reminded how good God is and how much he really looks out for us whether we are happy, sad, or all the range of emotions in between.

Lastly, I was reminded of how lucky I am to have a car that actually works. That thing got me everywhere this week without dying or running out of gas. Talk about a blessing.

I hope you all continue to see the blessings even when it is really hard. Keep moving always!
