Saturday, March 2, 2013

Life Lessons Lens

Life can be hell. Lets face it. But those lows are the reason we can experience the highs. Life wasn't meant to be easy. We have to have experiences to make us strong and to learn to appreciate what we have.

Today I said goodbye to one of my grandfathers. It seems like you'd want to spend the last few days of someone's life recounting good memories, but that was just too hard. All I could manage was a final "I love you" that probably seemed so empty. But the beauty of the matter is that, no matter how unintelligible my words were, my grandpa still recognized that I was there and that I cared. And when it really comes down to it, that's what we all really want to know in life; that we are loved and supported no matter what. We don't need to give or be shown elaborate displays of affection. All we need is the knowledge that people care.

Today I also learned the necessity of normalcy and good humor. During my visit with my family I could have just sat there and cried for two hours; Or I could have inquired into the lives of my other relatives and joked with them about whatever. I chose the latter. Because it is easier to focus on the positive then dwell on the negative.

Lastly, I was reminded of how frail we are. We can try and be as strong as we want, but none of us are immune to trials and death. We need to just trust in God's timetable and make the most of every moment we have.

So love everyone. Remember those who have gone ahead and those who surround you in the present. Much love always.


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