Friday, December 7, 2012

Collaborative Lens

So today two of my great friends M and N are helping me write this post. It's gonna get interesting :) so prepare yourselves accordingly.

Here's the preliminary list of things they said they are thankful for today:
  • Professors that end the semester early, sing carols in the morning, have you take your final in class the week before finals, and that bear their testimony the last day of class.
  • "I get to go home in a week"
  • babies "They're beautiful!" "I used to hate them..."
  • Wherever You Will Go (the version by Charlene Soraia)
So back to regular flow. I am really excited that semester is over (minus finals) and that I survived. I honestly thought my first year of college would ruin my life. (Sometimes I feel like I worry so much that I create drama in my head) Anyways, the world didn't end so life's good. I learned a lot, made good friends, and held down a job.

Ok, new subject. Here is N. Hello! I hope that your lives are going awesome, because mine certainly is! I get to go home to see my wonderful family in just a little over a week...all I have to do is survive finals. So one of the things that totally made my semester was the awesome friends that I've made. They are funny, sweet, and let me invade their apartments pretty much whenever. I am super grateful to them for giving me a social life and for being their amazing selves! Hmm...basically I am terrible about coming up with things to write about so I think that I'll end on that note and defer to M :)

That's me! I'm M, and I like to be happy.  I like when others are happy too.  So be happy! Cause it makes the world a happier place.  I'm way excited to go home in a week, because I love my family.  But, it's bittersweet to leave the people I've gotten to know here.  I've made so many good friends and I'm sad that some of them won't be returning next semester.  One thing my Book of Mormon professor said today really struck me. He invited us all to a class reunion, 10000 years from now.  He wanted us all to be there.  While it doesn't seem like a big deal, I found it really neat, because people come into our lives all the time. Some interactions with others last an instance, while others last a lifetime.  I hope we can cherish the moments we have with others.  I know that someday we will meet again, and I hope that when we do, we can have a fine time catching up and sharing stories.  I'm grateful for the wonderful, beautiful people I have met this semester, and while some are going their separate ways, I'm grateful for the experiences that we've all had together.

So on this happy note I'm going to cuddle up with my quilt and call it a night. Remember to find good in everything around you this week!


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