Sunday, April 7, 2013

Good Vibes Lens

So this week I've decided I'm grateful for two things: humor and the Spirit. Random, yes. But that's not the point. Story time!

First, humor. Monday was April Fools day as many of you know and this year I actually did something! I pulled off the ultimate fake engagement prank on Facebook with my friend D. Who knew so many people could be so easily fooled ;) Prank aside, I got a heavy dose of laughter that day that I had not had in a long time. It felt so good! Laughter truly makes you feel so good, and since I've been so stressed this foreign laughter made my day.

Second, the Spirit. For those who don't know what the Spirit is, in the LDS church we believe that we can be comforted and taught by God's spirit. Some people think of it kind of like your conscience. So this week was my church's annual General Conference where our church leaders teach us about things they've felt inspired to share. I loved it a lot. I was so comforted and edified by the words of these dear servants from the Lord. They have a way of saying exactly what you need to hear. I would elaborate more but I don't think anyone has the energy to hear a long explanation on my thoughts about the 8 hours of sessions I watched. So suffice it to say, it was awesome and you should all watch it. 

Finals are coming up so I can't say if I'll write much more for a while. But keep looking for good everywhere. If you seek for it, it can be found.

Much love,

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