Thursday, November 1, 2012

Holiday Lens

I don't know what it is, but holidays seem to put us in better moods (generally speaking). Something about celebrations makes us more willing to give, more willing to be kind, and more willing to be outgoing. I love it :) You make think this is only around Christmas but it's not. I think that is what makes holidays special; it is the few times a year when we can just enjoy different aspects of life.

For example (there is always an example), yesterday was Halloween and boy was it fun. Quite a few people dressed up in amazing costumes (as seen here) and a majority of my professors brought us candy! They didn't have to, they chose to because they wanted to lighten the mood and make the day fun. I think they are champions. 

Another great observation from the day was the Jamba Juice in the Wilkinson Center. First of all, the glass panels surrounding the counter were lined with Harry Potter books in many different languages. Second, they covered the lights with blue paper and hung stars and candles from the ceiling. Third, they had this giant coloring page attached to the front of their counter. Fourth, when they took your order they gave you a list of Harry Potter characters and you picked one for the name of your order (ie they called my order as Luna Lovegood). Best experience there ever. The festiveness of it put me in such a good mood.

Point being, every day should be a holiday ;) Just kidding, that would ruin the specialness of them. But I do believe we could all do a better job of treating each day like the best day ever. It would make life so much more enjoyable.


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