Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patience Lens

I've slowly been learning the beauty of patience. It's hard because I'm such a "get it done now" type of person generally and that is not how things generally work out. I think the Lord keeps trying to remind me of my patience problem, giving me opportunities to learn.

For instance, when I was deciding on a college I wanted a decision made October of my senior year. My answer didn't come until March. Let me tell you, that was a rough time because I wanted to make plans (ie schedule, housing, etc) but couldn't because I couldn't decide where the best fit was for me. After a long wait and a great trial of patience I got my answer and things fell into place.

Last night my patience was tried as I attempted to sign up for classes. That headache certainly taught me to step back, breath, and stop acting like delays were the end of the world. (a surprisingly common problem)

I could bore you with more stories but I'll save it. You probably wouldn't have the patience to sit through many more of them anyways ;) Anyways, keep calm and soldier on. Be happy and don't freak out. You are loved. Results are worth the wait.


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