Monday, September 17, 2012

Helpful Lens

Today I wanted to discuss the beauty of good help, because if you think about it, good help is one of the best things you can receive. It's like a sensible present. Ha, 'cause we all want those. Well, now you do. Read along and change your perspective.

The first helpful acts I would like to point out are those performed by the lovely TAs that exist in my Chinese and Physics classes. In both classes I learn so much from the TAs to the point that I'm convinced I wouldn't pass the classes otherwise. My Chinese TA actually teaches the class 3 of the 5 days each week and teaches in such a way that is easy to understand and easy to follow. And he's patient with my/my class' confusion. My Physics TAs bring the concepts to life and show real-life application that proves that it is not a useless class. And at the end of the labs everything just seems to make more sense. They are also patient and willing to explain things in an understandable way. Yay for good TAs :)

Good help has also manifest itself to me in the form of great roommates. Both of my roommates are good about keeping our apartment organized so we always have a good environment. This is helpful because when we all work on the little things then no individual has to feel the burden of keeping the apartment in order which can prevent a good study environment from existing. Another way they are helpful is that they are both willing to just talk life out. I can confide in them or vent and they are great companions. I'm super appreciative of them.

I dare you to believe this: having a busy schedule is super helpful. When I have a full day I find I get more things done because I have to be better about managing my time. When my day is empty I procrastinate more or just forget to do things altogether. Keeping busy keeps me on track.

Last, and most important, the most beautiful help is spiritual help. Nothing compares to knowing a prayer from your heart has been answered, whether that means a quiet reassurance in your heart or a physical manifestation. Both are welcome and appreciated. I would never make it through each day without this help.

I hope everyone becomes more aware of the help they are given every day in whatever form it manifests itself.


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