Friday, September 28, 2012

Positive Influence Lens

Walking through campus this morning felt so nice. The weather was cool and it was slightly overcast. I almost wrote about that. But it would've been an exceedingly short post. So now that we know how great weather is sometimes we'll move on.

The matter of greater importance today is the effect of happy people on other people. Sometimes a good aura is all it takes to change the mood. I personally don't possess this quality, but I appreciate it in others. I'll share a couple examples.

Example 1: Friend D. I happened to run into my friend D. (the one who plays guitar) today as I was buying eggs to make brownies. Today has been kind of stressful 'cause I had class and staff meeting and a test and the bus wasn't running normal schedule. So to just be around someone who was positive and funny brightened my mood. I'm sure it wasn't even intentional, he's just that kind of kid.

Example 2: RA friend. I filled in for a coworker for a couple hours today so she could attend the football game she had tickets for. The problem is everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong right after I took over for her. I was so stressed out. But then my friend K. (who is a resident assistant) stopped by the office and talked with me. She let me vent my frustrations and offered helpful encouragement. She also got my mind off how stressed I was with jokes and interesting stories. I don't think K.realized what a relief it was to have her there, but it certainly calmed my nerves and I was extremely grateful.

Example 3: Roommate. My roommate M. without fail makes every day not so bad. She is just naturally witty and funny. Whenever something is stressful she can magically make the situation less stressful. I always tell her she's one of my favorite people, but I think she thinks I'm not serious... 

I'm sure everyone could come up with tons of examples of people like this. So to you people that help the rest of us make it through the day: thank you. You're exceptional. Keep being you and please impart your wisdom with us compulsively stressed out people. Much love.


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