Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sound Lens

As you may have noticed, I try to incorporate whatever I plan on blogging about into my title. I noticed today though that my titles probably only ever make sense to me. Oh well. Today's object of admiration is film scores.

The most emotion-provoking part of an entire movie is generally the part that most people don't consciously notice, if it is done well. Film scores, according to, is " the background music in a film, generally specially written for the film and often used to heighten emotions provoked by the imagery on the screen or by the dialogue." (just in case anyone was confused)

Currently on my Pandora account film scores are my poison of choice. This is mainly because I can play them at work or while I do homework and they are not too distracting. They can range from beautiful and flowing to intense and heavy. No matter the tone of the piece I can still enjoy it.

Some particular film scores I've been diggin':
-Any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies
-Any of the Harry Potter movies
-The Hunger Games
-Select pieces from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movies

**Click on the names for examples. PS sorry the videos aren't the greatest**

And my current favorite composer: Hans Zimmer. Hands down. Any day. He is a champion. I love how he can clearly create a certain tone and atmosphere for each score he composes. He can lead you into a state of relative calm or a sense of heightened emotion so effortlessly. (this isn't to say that composing is easy, he just makes it look easy)

Like I mentioned earlier, a film score, when done well, is not noticed by an audience in the way the acting or scenery is. It should blend into the aesthetic experience the audience is having, adding to it, not distracting from it.

So I hope today's post has been enlightening and that you now all become addicted to film scores. You're welcome.
