Sunday, September 16, 2012

Untitled Lens

I couldn't come up with a good title for today's post... Lame, I know.

Moving on, between today and yesterday I encountered a random mish-mash of things that I would like to put up for discussion. So here we go :)

Beaut #1: Swing dancing/socializing. I went swing dancing on Saturday night and it was a blast. It was fun for a couple of reasons. First, you go and just dance till you drop. People ACTUALLY go there to dance and socialize, so that's what happens. I met a lot of great people and learned quite a bit about Lindy Hop and Charleston (styles of swing dance in case you didn't know, and click on the names for visual examples). Second, you don't have to be good to enjoy yourself. You can just try your best and go with the flow. The people I met were super patient and willing to take the time to teach me so we could both have more fun. Yay for patient people.

Beaut #2: Good analogies. Today was regional conference for my YSA stake and *Elder Oaks was one of the speakers. He gave this excellent analogy of being single in a family ward to joining a star gazing club. It was so hilarious, super accurate, and really got his point across well. The reason I include this is because it reminds me of how Jesus would teach in parables to make his teachees understand hard things in an easy way. I think it is commendable when people can do this. I know from experience that it is not easy, that it is definitely an art.

Beaut #3: Team work. Later today I had a dinner with all my co-workers. It was super yummy and here's why: everyone pitched in to make it excellent. We all brought something we were good at making so we ended up with a big, yummy, diverse meal. **Note, good analogy for life coming up** So just like pretty much most aspects of life, we can't go it alone. Things generally require the effort of individuals putting forth their best selves towards a common goal. True, situations don't generally have fairy tale endings, but I think the individual effort is often overlooked. We can't possibly ever understand what lengths people go to to accomplish things, whether that be school work, service, or whatever else. (geez this paragraph probably didn't make any sense) Ok since I've stopped making sense to anyone but myself I'm going to move on.

So just a reminder, life is beautiful; life is magical; life is impossible to plan, and that's ok. If anyone is actually reading this and has a comment, shoot them to me at Tell me about what you find beautiful.


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