Saturday, October 20, 2012

Culture Lens

When it comes to experiencing art I'd like to believe that I'm willing to try anything once. Tonight I got to check something off the list: opera. Real, Italian, Mozart-composed opera. And let me tell you, it was an extraordinary culture experience.
The program from Cosi fan Tutte.
I kind of ended up going on accident but I'm totally glad I went. Originally I was going for a Humanities class project but the project got cancelled after I had already purchased a ticket. I could have given up the ticket but I was sort of interested in really experiencing an opera. 

The name of the program I attended is Cosi fan Tutte. It was composed by Mozart, performed by BYU vocal performance students. 

I didn't really know what to expect going in because I didn't want prejudices to cloud my experience. It began with this beautiful introduction by the orchestra and then shortly thereafter the action began.

The performance was truly beautiful in its own way. The comedic plot, extraordinarily talented actors, and exceptional orchestra pulled together to create an amazing experience for me. It had me laughing nearly the whole time. No, I probably wouldn't frequent the opera, but I would definitely go see another. There is something unique about the superfluous, gaudy nature of opera that is quite intriguing. 

I guess the moral of the story is don't judge a book (or an art form) by its cover (or prejudices). Have an open mind as you learn to appreciate the talents of others and their expressions of emotion. There is so much beauty, so much to stand in awe of if we're willing to embrace culture


PS If anyone is interested in seeing this show they still have some performances that you should definitely check out. To learn more about the plot of Cosi fan Tutte click here.

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