Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Key Moment Lens

I think one of the profound things about being a human is our ability to experience key moments of clarity, sometimes even epiphanies. These sweet moments can be life-altering or simply reassuring. I thought this was particularly prevalent in light of the excitement over the LDS Church's recent announcement about lowering the acceptable missionary age for both men and women. I'm not saying THAT affected me, but I think a lot of people can relate to that right now.

For me, my moment of clarity came at the Major fair today. I've been an open-major as of late because I didn't want to commit to a major that I wasn't absolutely thrilled with. I began taking the Management school pre-reqs because that is where I've been leaning and so far I have loved the class I'm taking (my next one starts in a week and a half). With this encouragement, I went to the major fair today to check out the Management booth. You'll never guess what happened. As I was standing near the booth the representatives were switching shifts and the new guy happened to be a Global Supply Chain emphasis in the Management school. He told me all about the major, what types of people fit it well, and the potential job opportunities associated with it. My mind was blown. It was exactly what I've been looking for. It will be hard, yes, but most definitely a good fit. Just talking to the guy about it made me excited! I'm so grateful for the people that are put in our paths to tell us where we should be headed. 

This post is kind of short, so I'd love to hear about your moments of clarity. They're pretty spectacular. 


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