Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Different Lens

So I generally try to present my most neutral opinions on here because I want people to be willing to consider them without getting offended all over the place. But today I'd like to venture out into the religious sphere for a moment.

One of my favorite quotes is from Johnny Depp: "There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love."

I think that is an interesting insight into the nature of love and the nature of our spirits. I do believe each of us has a spirit and that our spirits will go to Heaven when we die. I believe we were created by a divine father who loved us enough to give us life and a way back to him. We exist because he loves us with a love so deep and incomprehensible.

In this modern society I think the concept of love is taken so lightly some times that it has lost its significance for some. Does this mean I think you shouldn't tell your friends and family that you love them all the time? No. Do. That is important. But I think to really show people we love them it has to be deeper. Like the quote said, love is what we live and die for. It is what we should hold sacred. We need to treat it as such.

Something I found interesting in a recent culture lesson in my Chinese class is that most people in China won't vocally tell each other they love each other very often. Their love is expressed through their actions and sacrifices. I think we could all do well by following their example of love through action. Because honestly, which is more valuable: telling something "I love you," or serving them in some way to make their life easier. Service is an expression of love and I think it will beat out vocalizing your love most of the time. 

I think we could all use a little more love. Because if we just love everyone we don't have to worry about the burdens of jealousy, guilt, hatred, etc.

Love much,

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